Occupational Research Centre (ORC)

Dr Kirton was the founded and was director of the ORC from 1975 until 2020. After he retired from Hertfordshire University, he moved the ORC to his home in Berkhamsted in Hertfordshire, UK, from where he continued to write, research, teach and support people interested in KAI.

In particular, Dr Kirton helped many PhD students complete their theses and provided expert advice to academics and researchers in the field of creativity, learning, collaborative working, management of change and leadership. Embracing our diversity was particularly close to his heart.

His encouragement of so many people to publish their results, has undoubtedly pushed forward our understanding of thinking style (problem solving style) and its implications in every aspect of our lives. Whether we know it or not, our KAI preference affects the way we choose to undertake the smallest task through cracking the big problems of life, such as dealing with a pandemic.

Fellowships to the ORC

Dr Kirton awarded fellowship to the ORC to people who had gone beyond the call of duty to further KAI, its development or teaching.

  • Dr Priscilla Wolfe, Fellow and Senior Tutor
  • Dr Kathryn Jablokow, Senior Research Fellow
  • Dr Curt Friedel, Associate Fellow
  • Dr Megan Seibel, Associate Fellow
Nicola Kirton Ryall now oversees the ORC and has brought it under the umbrella of the KAI Foundation.

Fellowship to the ORC is the ultimate accolade which the Foundation can award for excellence in, and contribution to, KAI theory, practice and teaching.

Read more about our team here