KAI Advisory Council

KAI Advisory Council

The KAI Advisory Council was set up to provide guidance, advice and expert support to both the KAI Foundation and the Center for Cooperative Problem Solving, to ensure that the high standards of practice, research and validation of our inventories are maintained and adhered to.

The KAI Advisory Council currently comprises of hand-picked experienced practitioners working in different sectors, academics and KAI course tutors. Additionally, there is a representative from Dr Kirton’s family and the KAI Foundation (Dr Kirton’s daughter, Nicola Kirton Ryall), and representatives from the Center for Cooperative Problem Solving at Virginia Tech University.

The current KAI Advisory Council members, all of whom are experienced practitioners, are shown below.

The KAI Advisory Council specifically provides input in the following key areas (although not restricted to these topics):

  1. Teaching, education and sharing of knowledge, including, but not limited to:
    • Accreditation and maintenance of good practice
    • Other training, for example, webinars, introductory workshops
    • Expanding the number of teaching centres
    • Practitioner support
  2. Product update and development, including:
    • Inventory, feedback, manual, workbooks, teaching materials
    • Marketing and presentation materials for practitioners to use
  3. Growing awareness of KAI
  4. Academic extension – development of the theory, its applications
  5. Maintenance of rigorous standards (applicable to a number of points above)
Iwan Jenkins KAI

Dr Iwan Jenkins

KAI Master Practitioner
Director, The Riot Point Research Corporation
LinkedIn |  Website
Nicola Kirton KAI

Nicola Kirton Ryall

Director, the KAI Foundation
Priscilla Wolfe KAI

Dr Priscilla Wolfe

Senior Fellow, CCPS, Virginia Tech
Senior KAI Instructor
Jessica Prater KAI

Jessica Prater

Principal Consultant, J Prater Consulting
LinkedIn | Website
Anne Collier KAI

Anne Collier

Vice Chair
CEO of Arudia, Professional Certified Coach
LinkedIn | Website
Curt Friedel KAI

Dr Curt Friedel

Director & co-Founder, CCPS, Virginia Tech
KAI Instructor
LinkedIn | Website
James Anderson KAI

Dr James Anderson

KAI Practitioner
Guido Prato Previde KAI

Dr Guido Prato Previde

Director, Decathlon Consulting
KAI Practitioner
LinkedIn | Website
Summer Odom KAI

Summer Odom

Honorary Secretary
Leadership Educator
Curt Friedel KAI

Dr Megan Seibel

Director & co-Founder, CCPS, Virginia Tech
KAI Instructor
LinkedIn | Website
Diane Houle-Rutherford KAI

Diane Houle-Rutherford

Change Management Coach & Consultant, Houle-Rutherford Consulting
Jim Bennett KAI

Jim Bennett

KAI Practitioner