Ensuring Leaders Get the Desired Results from Their Teams
(or the challenge of Problem A & Problem B)
by Dr Curt Friedel
Whenever two or more individuals come together to solve a problem, another problem arises; which is how do we work together? The first problem, the task at hand bringing the group together is Problem A.
Given the makeup of different teams and the situations in which teams are placed, there are many causes of Problem Bs. Many times, these Problem Bs occur as a result of gaps between different team members in the following ways:
- Differences in rankings of prioritized values
- Differences in levels of motivation
- Differences in available time and resources
- Differences in status, ability, or experience
- Differences in expectations
- Differences in how individuals identify themselves
- Differences in problem-solving style
Note that there may be only one Problem A, because the perception of a second Problem A is considered a distraction, and therefore the second Problem A is a Problem B. In complex problem solving, there may be sequential Problem As for the team to consider solving in order. Because the more adaptive and the more innovative often perceive Problem A differently, conflict in the team may be established early in the problem-solving process.
Coping and Bridging as Team Strategies
While one’s problem-solving style is innate, stable, and highly resistant to change, one may always choose to operate more adaptively or more innovatively through coping behaviour. Exhibiting coping behaviour requires self-awareness of the need to operate more adaptively or more innovatively, motivation to do so, and the learned skillset to modify one’s behaviour. The stress ensued from exhibiting coping behaviour is a factor of time needed to cope, effort exerted, and the degree of adaption or innovation outside of one’s preference. For example, one will likely find it easier to cope 20 points than to cope 60 points, and it will likely be easier to cope 60 points for one hour than to cope for 60 points for the entire day.
- They don’t see the reward of solving Problem A as valuable
- They have no motivation left due to being overextended
- They believe they are correct in not needing to cope
- They won’t admit they are wrong in recognizing the need to cope
- They lack the necessary skillset as they never faced this Problem A or Problem B before
- The mutual respect of the people they are helping
- Strong ability to mediate and facilitate discussions
- Recognising the role of structure in a company – both its advantages and disadvantages
- Adaptability to accommodate various external factors
- Experience in helping people and teams to mitigate Problem B
The Role of a KAI Practitioner
When a KAI Practitioner consults for a team or a large organisation, it is often recognized that the group needs help with solving Problem A, but the actual issue is the inability of the group to resolve Problem Bs. A KAI practitioner may use the KAI to identify gaps in problem-solving styles, which may be contributing to Problem Bs.
To help the team or large organization move forward, KAI practitioners have the aim of:
- Getting a clear sense of the organization’s view of Problem A
- Recognizing the main causes of Problem Bs
- Finding ways to mitigate Problem B
- Identifying the best process by which to solve Problem A
With these aims in mind, a KAI Practitioner can help teams improve performance, reduce conflict, and provide the results wanted by upper-level leadership.
In working with team members, the KAI Practitioner will often improve the leadership capabilities of individuals by helping them understand how they can better work with others.
A KAI practitioner helps team members recognize that more adaptive individuals and more innovative individuals are equals in the problem-solving process; neither being better than the other, in general. There is not an ideal KAI score, rather both more adaptive and more innovative individuals are needed to work together to solve complex problems. A more adaptive person may benefit from gaining permission to slightly loosen the structure in order to appropriately complete a task; helping to reduce Problem B, and increase focus on Problem A. For a more innovative person, it is helpful to recognize that rules being imposed are not necessarily limiting, but are instead designed to protect them. Once again, this can address Problem B and increase focus on Problem A.
Solutions to Problem A thrive when there is a safe space for sharing ideas without judgement of the individual in promoting the idea. Rather the idea is judged to be appropriate on its own merit. KAI practitioners can help teams build this safe space by promoting mutual respect and humility among team members. Mutual respect is needed to recognize the limits of capability in fellow team members, and humility is needed to recognize the limits of capability within oneself. It is naturally human to have items in which we excel in completing and items in which we struggle. By recognizing that we each have unique and valid perception of Problem A and Problem B, and that each perception is considered equal in the problem-solving process, we can learn to better work together and aim to make our world a better place to live and work.
Meet The Practitioner:
Dr Curt Friedel is Associate Professor and Director of the Centre for Co-operative Problem Solving at Virginia Tech in the USA, where he is also the Director of the KAI Certification Course. Click here to visit his LinkedIn profile and click here to see his profile on the Virginia Tech website.