About KAI

Your preferred style of doing, thinking and problem solving

Everyone has a preferred way of going about doing things – from how we like to organise our space, through to how we solve complex problems. Some people like rules and routines to follow, others like to be more free-spirited, vary routines and don’t like too many constraints.

However, the majority of us like being in a balance somewhere between “highly organised & structured” and “being totally fluid and boundary-free” – where that balance lies for you, is your natural innate inherent preference. This preference is measured by Kirton’s Adaption Innovation Inventory (the KAI).

What is problem-solving style (KAI)?

So, KAI measures this preference: how much you like structure in your life – whether at work, rest or play. Your KAI score affects everything you do, from how you cook a meal to how you deal with other people in your life.

It is on a scale from ‘most Adaptive’ (wanting lots of structure, rules and detail) through to ‘most Innovative’ (wanting little structure, few constraints and prefer to take a big-picture view). The majority of us like a moderate amount of structure and information – how much defines your individual, personal style of thinking. KAI measures your thinking (or problem-solving) style.

This video, of a Webinar given by Nicola Kirton Ryall and Dr Rob Sheffield, gives an overview of problem-solving style and KAI, and how understanding differences in problem-solving style can lead to better collaboration.

Where am I and where is everyone else?

KAI is measured on a spectrum from 32 to 160, with a mid-point of around 95. However, your KAI is relative to the people around you. Most people will be more innovative than some people, and also more adaptive than others – unless they fall at the very extremes of the spectrum.

Good news – every KAI score has equal value with all other scores

Here’s the good news – there are no ‘good’ scores, nor ‘bad’ scores. In fact, it is better to think of it as a co-ordinate or locator of where you are on the continuum. There is no ideal KAI. Every spot on the KAI spectrum has pros (and cons…). Everyone thinks (and creates) in their own way.

Style is not related to how clever you are

Your KAI style – and that of others – is completely unrelated to how intelligent you are. It is also unrelated to your skill level, experience, your motivation or what status you have attained. You can be a brilliant creative adaptor (such as Thomas Edison), or an amazing creative innovator (such as Nikola Tesla).

Does it change? Can I change it?

In short – no. Your preferred thinking style is fixed – it’s a bit like your eye colour. It doesn’t vary depending on where you are – so your preference is the same whether you are at work, on holiday, at home, or at school.

Fortunately, as each KAI score has equal value, it doesn’t need changing. However, your actual behaviour can, and will, change when the circumstances demand it.

Why is it useful?

Understanding your own preference for doing things, will help you to:

  • work to your strengths
  • understand your weaknesses
  • improve communications with people different from you (at work, home or play)
  • collaborate with team members more effectively and collaboratively
  • create strong, diverse teams leading to successful outcomes
  • improve adoption of good ideas – whether more adaptive or innovative
  • create better leaders
  • reduce stress in the workplace

Where is it used?

Currently KAI is being used in every continent and in most walks of life – from workplaces to counselling; from industry to education; in research and new product development. It has been translated into many languages and has over many research papers and PhD theses to back up its theory.

Click here to go to the KAI Publication List.

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