Welcome to the KAI Foundation Five Podcast Series!

This is our five part introduction to building better teams and great leaders with the Kirton Adaption Innovation Inventory.

KAI is the world’s foremost measure for problem solving style. It’s used widely to create cohesive and productive teams and effective leaders. It’s been in use for around 40 years and is supported by a large body of academic research from around the world.

In these five podcasts we want to provide you with an understanding of why KAI is so effective, so powerful and indeed life changing for so many teams and team leaders.

Today’s second episode is entitled ‘Big Problems need Better Teams,’ and during the next half an hour or so we’re going to discuss problem solving style, and why for teams to be effective we need diversity in that style.

Hosted by Dave Harries, with Dr Curt Friedel & Iwan Jenkins.

Dr Curt Friedel is Associate Professor and Director of the Centre for Co-operative Problem Solving at Virginia Tech in the USA where he is also the Director of the KAI Certification Course.

Dr Iwan Jenkins is also a KAI expert and describes himself as a practitioner of the practical. He understands cognitive theory and complex system science, but more importantly he also knows how to make that theory applicable in today’s business world. In his own words, he turns potential into profit.

Listen to a quick preview of the podcast here (41s):

Print or download the transcript (PDF) (opens in a new tab)